Speaker 28mm11 round WOW speaker 1W

TCS:1555 TCS TCS:1555 Speaker - 28mm (1.1') Round WOWSpeaker 1W

Price: $23.10
Out of Stock (2)

As the flagship speaker for the WOWSound decoder we took painstaking care in bringing to market these 28mm (1.1") speakers. These speakers sound richer and fuller than any other decoder speaker on the market. Pick one up and find out how great your WOWSound can really sound!

Power Rating: 1.5W (Typical) 2.0W (Peak) DC Impedance: 8 Ω ± 15%, at 1.0 V 1,000 Hz.
Effective Frequency Band: 550 Hz. to 5,000 Hz. Sound Pressure Level: 92 ± 3.0 dB(A), at: 0.5 W, 10 cm, Average 800, 1,000, 1,200, and 1,500 (Hz )

Dimensions: 28mm (1.1") diameter and 4.6mm (0.18") thick

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