Our products include DCC decoders, mobile, sound & accessories, speakers & accessories, flexible wire, miniature light bulbs & LEDs, scenery products and other model building parts.
Our products are all listed under their respective categories. By selecting the Category, you can filter the products into scale, colour, size, voltage etc using the filters down the left side or you can select categories by selecting from the drop down menu from Products on the menu bar or scrolling to the bottom of the page and making your selection.
Please Note: All our products include GST. This is only applicable to purchases made in Australia. Overseas customers should use the Promo Code EXPORT to receive a price reduction equivalent to the GST.
If the item you are looking for is shown as "Out of stock", check out our eBay store - HobbiesRFun4All. We may have what you are looking for there. We do not double up with our stock, we maintain an allocation to each site to prevent selling the same item twice. This would lead to someone being disappointed, specially us.