STX 810012 2 pin connector 1
STX 810012 2 pin connector 1
STX 810012 2 pin connector 2
STX 810012 2 pin connector 5

STX:810012 Soundtraxx Connector 2-Pin Microconnector Kit (1M, 1F)

Price: $16.50
Available (2)

Soundtraxx 810012 – 2 pin microconnector kit


The 2 pin microconnector kit permits quick separation of circuit boards or speakers from the locomotives electrical system or decoders.

It is recommended for use in tight installations where excess lead length cannot be tolerated and/or where future separation of locomotive body shell and frame is anticipated, e.g. painting, servicing, maintenance, etc.

The kit contains a 2 pin connector set (M & F) 6” red wire, 6” black wire and 4 pieces of heat shrink tubing.

Instructions are also included.

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